Photoionization is the Future of Wastewater Odor Control (Ambio)
Photoionization is the Future of Wastewater Odor Control (Ambio)
Photoionization (PI) utilizes ultraviolet light and a catalyst to kill odors. The process starts with UV treatment of the odorous air as it passes through the PI reactor chamber. The UV treatment creates free radicals (O- 2, OH-, O3, etc.) that begin to oxidize the odor causing compounds.
After the UV treatment, the air passes into another chamber where any remaining odorous compounds are broken down by the flow of free radicals from the already cleansed air. The byproduct of this reaction is sulfur.
Photoionization has been proven through third party research to be the most effective odor control technology for many applications. The Ambio approach is best suited for “point of origin” applications. The typical treatment assembly offers a very small footprint, unlike other approaches. The Ambio treatment packages can often be wall or closet mounted. Point of source treatment is more cost effective because only the contaminated air is treated. The two-step process recharges itself and requires about a half-day of service per year. The system requires a small amount of energy to operate, saving time and resources. Additives like water or chemicals are not required to facilitate the treatment resulting in an environmentally friendly approach to odor control. It can be turned on and off, much like the lights in the room or building it is treating.
Ambio’s odor control by Photoionization has an established track record in Europe and a growing reference list in North America. Ambio’s process has been recommended and approved by several of the largest consulting engineering firms in the United States. Pilot test and user satisfaction surveys are available for your study upon request.